Mobile: 17643532 JANGSA ANIMAL SAVING TRUST P.O. Box: 754

Animal Rescue/ Mobile Clinic

Animal Rescue/ Mobile Clinic

With rapid urbanization and ever rising number of vehicles, there are increasing cases of cars running over street dogs and other animals resulting in severe and critical injuries. To provide immediate intervention, Jangsa successfully mobilized and now operates a mobile clinic van that serves the dual purpose of a utility van as well as an ambulance that rescues severely injured and sick animals to ensure critical medical treatment and care in time.

On an average, Jangsa attends to four to five emergency calls in a month. This has saved more than 300 dogs from severe injuries and provided timely treatment to about 500 dogs for minor injuries and diseases in the last two and a half years. Besides, Jangsa also maintains about 90 handicapped dogs at our Serbithang Animal Shelter in Thimphu on a permanent basis.

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