Mobile: 17643532 JANGSA ANIMAL SAVING TRUST P.O. Box: 754


At the conclusion of the holistic Jangsa education program in almost every venue, students, dzongkhag and community leaders, monks and locals constituting more than 90% of attendees committed to be vegetarians – both during the ‘duzang’s and remarkably – about half of the participants for a lifetime of vegetarianism. The overwhelming response led Lama Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche to remark that “Innate Compassion is almost second nature to the Bhutanese…

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Zhiwai Lamten

During the conduct of Zhiwai Lamten – the Jangsa national education program – around the nation, many schools came forward and spontaneously offered the animals maintained by the school for voluntary ‘Tsethar’. Upon the voluntary request of the school authorities, Lama Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche, together with Khenpo, Geshe and anis of Kingarabten Ani Dratshang, conducted a ‘Tshethar’ ceremony for the fishery maintained by Samcholing MSS, Trongsa. The caretaker of…

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ZHIWAI LAMTEN: Natural Compassion & Devotion

They say – “A picture reveals more than a thousand words”. And so these snapshots taken during the conduct of the holistic Jangsa education program across all 20 dzongkhags in Bhutan showcases the Natural Compassion and Devotion inherent – almost as second nature – in the subliminal consciousness of all Bhutanese. Natural compassion and devotion is undeniably true in the majority of our students – our younger generation. And…

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