Due to the increasing numbers of animals being entrusted to the care of Jangsa in recent months, Jangsa notifies the public that we have temporarily halted all intake of animals in our care for the following considered reasons:
Jangsa has received more than 50 big animals, mostly cows and bulls, in three batches in just the last few months. The latest is 17 bulls from Kheng Gomphu that were saved by Thinley Norbu and group in Gelephu (see pic).
Jangsa is concerned that the increasing number of animals discovered by animal groups to be saved in similar conditions every month may signify a suspicious trend that demands a thorough investigation.
It is a known fact that there exists many unscrupulous people in our society who take advantage of Tsethar activities, especially of newly formed and passionate animal groups, to develop it into an easy business for quick profits. This was evidenced many years ago in the uncontrolled Tsethar of Yaks in Chamgang, Thimphu, that only resulted in the death of more yaks due to the activities of few unscrupulous sellers. Without mindfulness, many groups, even with good intentions, could end up encouraging such businesses that would result in grave harm to more animals instead of benefit.
Also, more importantly, such activities reduces, pollutes and tarnishes the sacred conduct of Tsethar – one of the most meritorious Buddhist practice – into just a horrific evil business.
While Jangsa rejoices at all Tsethar activities by individuals and groups, we urge them to be more mindful of the ‘how’ of Tsethar as most critical in the interest of animals and the sacred ethos of Tsethar. This is the sole reason why Jangsa stresses the philosophy of Tsethar, and in educating people to achieve the higher purposes of Tsethar, rather than in just well meaning but blind intentions and activities.
Jangsa has now assessed that our animal shelters/pasturelands in 7 dzongkhags looked after by 19 caretakers is operating dangerously close to above their capacity. To overpopulate these existing shelters/pasturelands would degrade proper and adequate care given to the existing animals. Therefore, in the interest of providing adequate and humane care, Jangsa is halting all intake of animals currently until our capacity in pasturelands and caretakers is balanced in time to meet the increasing number of animals in the future.
Meanwhile, Jangsa continues with our activities unceasingly: to educate all on the short and long term benefits/consequences of animal related activities, on the higher purposes of Tsethar, and so on; to provide proper and adequate food, water, medical and all care to the animals in our shelters/pasturelands; to grow and expand with the help of everyone, to fulfill our aspirations to save and serve as many animals as sustainably and adequately as possible.
Finally, Jangsa wishes to encourage all conscientious patrons to still conduct Tsethar – but in fishes for the moment. These fishes will be well taken care of as Jangsa maintains fish ponds in Kalimpong that is of adequate capacity and where the fishes will be humanely maintained.